an exerpt from "The Mindscape of Alan Moore"

"Quitting my day job and starting my life as a writer certainly was a tremendous risk.
It was a fool's leap, a shot in the dark.
But anything of value in our lives- whether it be a career, a work of art, a relationship- will always start with such a leap. And in order to be able to make it, you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely purely without fear, without desire.
Because things that we do without lust or result, are the purest actions that we shall ever undertake."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i found the the antidote!

Had a nice chat with my Dad this afternoon, and he mentioned that he's currently reading and enjoying "The Holographic Universe". I decided to look it up on You Tube and over 300 vid selections came up!

Greg Braden authored a book I have called "Walking Between Worlds: The Science of Compassion". And this is him talking about the ideas found in his book, namely that we live as interconnected beings, evolving together under the influence of one another's own personal evolution, much like the symbiosis of a hologram...

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