an exerpt from "The Mindscape of Alan Moore"

"Quitting my day job and starting my life as a writer certainly was a tremendous risk.
It was a fool's leap, a shot in the dark.
But anything of value in our lives- whether it be a career, a work of art, a relationship- will always start with such a leap. And in order to be able to make it, you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely purely without fear, without desire.
Because things that we do without lust or result, are the purest actions that we shall ever undertake."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

daily perspectives...

Here is some footage of Abraham Hicks discussing the presidential campaign and the economic crisis. She suggests this is simply another opportunity for us to employ the law of attraction by being responsible for our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviour when reacting to the world around us.

After seeing this i don't feel so guilty about not going to the gym...

I love being humbled. And so I welcome any reminder that mystery still reigns...
Life can be really challenging and complicated when one is seeing through the "zoomed-in" filter and experiencing all that happens on a personal level. This is why I enjoy zooming out occasionally to see the big picture. For me, there is no greater relief in remembering that my individual life is so tiny compared to the great unknown...

This article discusses the discovery of a magnetic portal that opens every 8 minutes connecting the earth to the sun. Pretty cool!

I also love being as much like a cat as possible. I love to sleep and be cozy, curled up into a ball with someone lovely (or my cat Wilhemina:) and to purrrrrr....

This article describes the nature of sleep cycles and the best methods for successful napping. Finally- some scientific evidence that supports my view that it's healthy to be like a cat.

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