an exerpt from "The Mindscape of Alan Moore"

"Quitting my day job and starting my life as a writer certainly was a tremendous risk.
It was a fool's leap, a shot in the dark.
But anything of value in our lives- whether it be a career, a work of art, a relationship- will always start with such a leap. And in order to be able to make it, you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely purely without fear, without desire.
Because things that we do without lust or result, are the purest actions that we shall ever undertake."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

buying x-mas gifts? watch this first!

Watch this doc and maybe Reverend Billy and his church of Stop Shopping choir will convince you that rushing around in a stressed out state and maxing your credit cards to buy crap for people they don't want or need, all in the name of societal etiquette is not the ideal way to spend the holidays (or your money for that matter) Consider alternative ways of showing your loved ones that you appreciate them. Maybe for just this one year, you can do Christmas differently. Make it about each other and not about the stuff. Maybe? Consider it- that's all I ask...:)

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