an exerpt from "The Mindscape of Alan Moore"

"Quitting my day job and starting my life as a writer certainly was a tremendous risk.
It was a fool's leap, a shot in the dark.
But anything of value in our lives- whether it be a career, a work of art, a relationship- will always start with such a leap. And in order to be able to make it, you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely purely without fear, without desire.
Because things that we do without lust or result, are the purest actions that we shall ever undertake."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Martin Streek is

a blast from my past.
He's also dead.

And according to this article in EYE WEEKLY, he killed himself.

I can't believe it.

What a wonderful life chapter that was: highschool radio....CFNY.

Not only would i go to sleep listening to whatever was being aired, I would wake up every day to my radio alarm clock, with "102.1 the Edge" cranking out some wicked tune. I loved the 'live to air' shows, too, which he and May Potts hosted.

Basically, I learned about cool music listening to him and others on CFNY. Needless to say, it was a hugely formative time for me.

Without more information to go on, it appears it may have been depression from having been let go by the station he he worked for twenty years. Maybe his identity was so wrapped up in being a DJ that he didn't know who he was without the job. We will never know for sure.

Thanks for the education, Martin Streek.